Ultimate Cycler Explanation Statement From Peter Wolfing - Reflextunes

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Ultimate Cycler Explanation Statement From Peter Wolfing

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Following the crash of the website of a Ponzi scheme ultimatecircler.com, founder Peter Wolfing have released a statement addressing the situation.

According to the statement, the downtime is an upgrade in progress to bring greater value and global commitment to all users.

Ever since the crash couple of days ago, there has been tension in the camp of millions of Nigerians patronizing Ponzi schemes including the MMM community.
  • Statement

The Ultimate Cycler Global Commitment
At Ultimate Cycler we are introducing our global commitment over the next few days to provide each country we serve even greater value. As you know we are now having more than 100,000 to 200,000 thousand new members daily and have a large percentage of the new subscribers from Nigeria.
Therefore we are doing the following ASAP over the next few days to ensure our global commitment will impact each and every Ultimate Cycler subscriber no matter where you live in the world.
  1. We are adding an additional income source
  2. Providing a new design and layout
  3. During Q1 registering Ultimate Cycler in Nigeria with an Office and legal presence.
  4. Will offer life time admin fee to avoid different charges throughout the year.
  5. An amazing Christmas income opportunity the everyone can participate in.
Please be sure to check your inbox for more details as we get closer and my next update.
Thank you,
Peter Wolfing

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