How Miscarriage Delayed My 20 Years Marriage, 50-Year-Old Woman Who Gives Birth To Triplet - Reflextunes

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How Miscarriage Delayed My 20 Years Marriage, 50-Year-Old Woman Who Gives Birth To Triplet

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   Mrs. Freda Promise Yohanna, did not experience the joy of motherhood until when she turned 50 years, all her efforts to carry her child proof abortive over series of miscarriages she went through 20 years after their marriage.

   She narrated her ordeal after experiencing over 10 different miscarriages, Promise told Saturday Guardian that although she went through a lot of terrible experiences in which she almost lost her life; the birth of the triplets was a reward from God for her dependence on God.

   Promise who live in Guru, Bauchi, she said: "We've been married for almost 20 years, December 19th will make it exactly 20 years. After about a year of marriage, I took in but I had a miscarriage and another year, I took in again and I still had a miscarriage. I had a miscarriage for my third pregnancy and after about 7 months, I had miscarriage again.

   "After that, I stayed for about 5 years before I took in again but I still miscarried it, it was so on  and on. I had over 10 miscarriages. I remembered that in 2014, I had another miscarriage which were twins of 5 months pregnancy."

   Promise, the mother of three thanked God for saving her life, during the second trimester of twins pregnancy, saying she went to ease herself but discovered the leg of one of her babies dangling. She said she was rushed to several hospitals before she later got medical help after losing a lot of blood. "One of the days while I was pregnant, I just went in to ease myself and I discovered that the leg of my baby was dangling, so we went to the Teaching Hospital but they were on strike and my doctor was out of town.

   "We went to another clinic, the doctor was out of town, we went to another clinic, the doctor was no where to be found and I was already having trouble with one leg dangling outside. The trauma of that one was terrible, then I was already dying. Eventually, we got a Doctor and he tried and tried, that one that was dangling, the other one was still alive but they were in one sack, so he was trying to see if he can save the other one. I was seriously bleeding and at the end of the day, I went into a comma and I didn't know what happened again, it was God that preserved my life. That was the greatest experience I ever had in 20 years of marriage," she recounted.

   She informed that because of what she went through, she and her decided and asked God not to give them a child again pointing out that "my husband said he didn't want to lose me. But God in his infinite mercy made it possible for us now and instead of twins, he brought triplets."

   She said her faith was strengthened when the prophecy was given that she would give birth soon. 

"Last year," according to her, "we were having a programme in Church and one of our Fathers in the Lord came and told us that in the season of time, he will come back here and dedicate our child. I believed him. Lo and behold, the pregnancy came and God really helped us."

   She advised couples who have been married without any children to be patient and wait on God because his timing is not man's timing. "God has a plan for everybody," she said, "they should know that delay is denial, so they should wait patiently for the Lord and he that did it for us, will do it for them in Jesus name."

   Meanwhile, the husband, Pastor Promise Yohanna, told our correspondent that when his wife informed him she was pregnant, he became fearful because of her past experiences. Promise and her husband, Yohanna own a church, this, they believed was a trial form God. Pastor Yohanna said that they were not disturbed because of their predicament stating "as far as we were concerned, God has an assignment for us which is the ministry and we are doing."

   He said: "when my wife told me she was pregnant, I said wow, Praise God. We went for scanning after two months and a Doctor discovered that my wife had three children in her womb and I shouted and said God wants to compensate us with three children after waiting for this long, almost about 20 years now, and I said, this must be God.

   "I was excited actually but I was also fearful lest there would be a miscarriage and we were trusting God that it would work out. God helped us, she was able to deliver the triplets." He cautioned couples that visit native doctors out of desperation of wanting to get children saying, "desperation doesn't give pregnancies."
   He said: "As a Minister of the gospel and a Pastor, personally I detest it (people visiting native doctors). People have actually suggested that to my wife but nobody ever came to me directly, she told me about that, but we trusted in God to do it for us.

   "I always say that the devil has no free gift, if he gives you anything, he will attach something to it. So, I want to discourage people from going to native doctors but what I encourage generally is to seek for prayers and medical help."
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