Female commuter stunned by man's huge bulge on bus - Reflextunes

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Female commuter stunned by man's huge bulge on bus

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A red-faced woman didn't know where to look when a man got on her bus and stood in front of her with a huge bulge in his pants.
But it turns out, the woman may have jumped to conclusions, as is revealed on camera just moments later.
The young female was travelling on a bus in China when she placed over her shoulder and saw the male passenger standing next to her.
She has to take a second look after noticing the large bulge in his tracksuit bottoms and struggles to contain her laughter.
But suddenly the man's pocket starts vibrating and ringing - before he pulls out his iPhone which had given the false impression he had been severely arouse.

The funny clip has been viewed more than a million times after it emerged over the weekend.

Pon Za'a, who posted the footage on Facebook, said: ''For the first few moments it looks like it is real.

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